Feb. 5, 7:10 PM Girls
Feb. 5, 7:10 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:15 PM Girls
(2) Woburn
Feb. 5, 7:15 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:20 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:30 PM Girls
Feb. 5, 7:30 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:30 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:30 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:30 PM Boys
(0) Norton
Feb. 5, 7:30 PM Girls
(2) Dedham
Feb. 5, 7:30 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:40 PM Girls
Feb. 5, 7:45 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:45 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:50 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 7:50 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Girls
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Girls
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Boys
(1) Milton
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Girls
Feb. 5, 8:00 PM Girls
Feb. 5, 8:10 PM Boys
Feb. 5, 8:10 PM Girls
(7) MOA
Feb. 5, 8:15 PM Boys
Feb. 6, 6:30 PM Boys
Feb. 6, 7:10 PM Girls
Feb. 6, 7:10 PM Boys
Feb. 6, 8:30 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 5:00 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 5:00 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 5:30 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 6:00 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 6:00 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 6:30 PM Girls
Feb. 7, 6:40 PM Girls
Feb. 7, 7:00 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 7:40 PM Boys
Fairfield Prep (Conn.)
Feb. 7, 7:50 PM Boys
Feb. 7, 8:00 PM Boys
Feb. 8, 6:40 AM Girls
Feb. 8, 7:00 AM Boys
Feb. 8 (Time TBA)
TBD - Loser of Fairfield Prep ( CT ) V Pope Francis ( MA ) ( BOYS )
TBD -10:30 AM - Loser of Notre Dame ( CT ) V Bishop Hendricken ( RI ) ( BOYS )
Feb. 8, 11:30 AM Girls
Feb. 8, 12:00 PM Girls
Feb. 8, 12:00 PM Girls
Full Schedule

MIAA Massachusetts High School Hockey

MyHockeyLive RPI Bracketology

By visiting the home page of MyHockeyLive, you will notice the rankings page that is a generated RPI (Ratings Percentage Index) of all the teams. These rankings are a created using this formula = 25% of a teams winning percentage, plus 21% of the winning percentage of their opponents, plus 54% of the winning percentage of their opponents' opponents. I figured it would be interesting to see where teams would sit if the playoffs started today. I came up with the brackets for the Super 8, D1 North, D1 South, D2 North, and D2 South. Obviously, the North and South tournaments are seeded by win percentage and not by RPI, so those matchups are seeded by win percentage based off who is expected to make the tournament (over .500 win percentage). The one other note before going on this fun adventure is the seeding of Canton in the Super 8. Canton is a division 2 team, but was placed on the Super 8 "Watch List" this past week. MyHockeyLive's RPI calculator has Canton as the second best RPI, but for the fun of the activity I seeded them 10th in the Super 8. Remember, the Super 8 seedings are 100% calculated by the formula with no opinions in place.


First Round Matchups

1. Pope Francis vs (8. Catholic Memorial or 9. Framingham)
2. Duxbury vs (7. Arlington or 10. Canton)
3. BC High vs 6. Austin Prep
4. Hingham vs 5. St Mary's Lynn

BC High at the third seed is probably too low and Duxbury at the two seed is probably too high, but other than that there are no easy first round matchups in this years Super 8.


First Round Matchups

1. Mansfield BYE
2. Archbishop Williams BYE
3. Falmouth BYE
4. Marshfield vs 13. King Phillip
5. Needham vs 12. Franklin
6. Xaverian vs 11. Wellesley
7. Barnstable vs 10. Natick
8. Braintree vs 9. Walpole

This brackets top RPI team can be found all the way down at the 6th seed with Xaverian. They will be my predicted favorites along with the 2nd seed Archbishop Williams. My sleeper teams are going to be Barnstable and Walpole in this bracket.


First Round Matchups

1. Winchester vs (8. Burlington vs 9. Medford)
2. Melrose vs (7. Westford Academy vs 10. Chelmsford)
3. Billerica vs 6. Reading
4. Newburyport vs 5. Andover
This brackets top RPI team is the 1st seed Winchester. They are going to be one of my favorites along with the 6th seed Reading. My sleeper picks for the bracket are going to be Chelmsford and Andover.


First Round Matchups

1. Masconomet BYE
2. Lincon Sudbury BYE
3. Marblehead BYE
4. Winthrop vs 13. Danvers
5. Gloucester vs 12. Lowell Catholic
6. Tewksbury vs 11. Lynnfield
7. Boston Latin vs 10. Triton
8. Stoneham vs 9. North Andover

The top RPI team in this bracket is the first seeded Masconomet. They are going to be one of my favorites from the d2 north along with 2nd seeded Lincoln Sudbury. My sleeper picks are going to be 12th seeded Lowell Catholic and 8th seeded Stoneham.


First Round Matchups

1. BP / West Bridgewater BYE
2. Medfield vs 15. Bishop Feehan
3. Wareham / Carver vs 14. Scituate
4. Quincy vs 13. North Attleboro
5. Oliver Ames vs 12. Whitman Hanson
6. Westwood vs 11. Norwood
7. Plymouth North vs 10. Dedham
8. Nauset vs 9. Sandwich

The top RPI team in this bracket is 4th seeded Quincy. They are going to be one of my favorites along with 2nd seeded Medfield. The sleeper picks in this bracket are Nauset and Bishop Feehan.

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