Known issues and some possible solutions.
Please read the information below which may help you understand some of the common problems you may experience and how deals with them. We appreciate your patience as like all streaming services MHL is at the mercy of the internet provider as well as the internet access available at any given venue. Please email us at if you are experiencing streaming issues. has trouble shooting staff available for all live games. Many times we are on site monitoring the availability and quality of the stream, video, and audio components of a games webcast. Additionally, MHL personnel provides support to our subscribers, like you, who may be having issues watching the games.
Lastly, please remember that the staff and venues are doing their best to put out a quality broadcast. Although we do our best, sometimes it is not perfect—we work hard to resolve the various technology issues and do our best to improve your experience.
We are always here to assist you when an issue arises. Please keep in mind that everybody is doing their best to ensure that your experience is the best it can be and if it’s not, we encourage you to email us at! Just try to be patient and respectful!